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Brought to you by Jacklyn Flowers : Phone 949-682-9056 : Email
Xiome365 Consumer Pack
Your Price: $249.99 (Retail: $350.00)
LESS $50 Gift Card = $199.99 (YOU SAVE $150.01)
( Member Benefits: QV 250 / PV 80 / RR 100 / CB 50 )
2 - X2O Single (30 Servings / Sachets Each)
1 - Gift Cards Pack (set of 4)
1 - Xooma Blender Ball Cup
2 - Xooma Water Bottle
1 - Xiome365 overview sheet
2 - Xiome365 Jar (20 servings)
2 - Probiotix (30 Capsules)
1 - Probiotix overview sheet
5 - Xooma X2O Brochure
1 - Health & Wellness Newspaper
1 - Literature Pack
4 - Xooma Enrollment Form
Item Number 9130
This item is for an initial sign-up order only. Once you have ordered your signup package, you will be placed on autoship for a slightly different monthly package. To read more details about the package you will receive monthly
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